Am I the Reincarnated Spirit of Dorothy Kilgallen?

On November 8, 1965 two seemingly unrelated things occurred: 1) popular newspaper columnist and tv game show panelist Dorothy Kilgallen (b. 1913) was found dead in her Manhattan townhouse, felled by a mix of alcohol and barbiturates; and 2) I was born a couple of hundred miles away. Coincidence? A case of transmigration?

Kilgallen had written her “Voice of Broadway” column for the Hearst papers since 1938, though she was perhaps best known to Americans as a panelist on What’s My Line?  Irish-American Kilgallen was skeptical about the conclusions of the Warren Commission Report, and had also run afoul of mob-friendly singer Frank Sinatra by writing a 1956 expose. Was Kilgallen in fact “snuffed out” by the mafia for knowing and saying too much? And was Dorothy Kilgallen’s soul transferred to my newborn body, so that I would later play the role of David Ferrie in Me and Lee, Jason Trachtenburg’s musical look at the Kennedy Assassination?

You may think you have “dodged a bullet” by not seeing our many live performances of this amazing show at such venues as Sidewalk, Dixon Place, the Brick, and Theater for the New City. But time has run out for you, my friend, for the production was FILMED last summer, and like the 8mm magnum opus of a certain Abraham Zapruder, this film is a record of many crimes. You can see it at the Way Station, 683 Washington Ave in Brooklyn on November 18 at 8pm! I and the rest of the cast will be there! OR if you are truly hardcore, catch it at the 7th annual JFK Assassination Conference in Dallas on November 22, the 57th anniversary of the national tragedy. It’s time for you to learn a few tuneful “truths”. Dorothy Kilgallen would have wanted it that way.