Me and the “Miscellany” on the Marx Brothers Council Podcast!

Some 50 episodes after my last appearance (Look at Chicolini), I had the good fortune this week to return as a guest on the Marx Brothers Council Podcast to talk about my new book The Marx Brothers Miscellany and the upcoming Marxfest.

Your correspondent had the best time chatting with Matthew Coniam and Noah Diamond (and Bob Gassel, who is now The Man Behind the Curtain, though just as involved as always as producer of the show). Whether you’re an auto mechanic or a nuclear physicist, there can be an addictive pleasure in hunkering down in one’s own silo with fellow specialists, batting around minutiae that would drift past greenhorns like so many dust motes. You’re no greenhorn, so I heartily recommend tuning in and joining us, not just to listen to me blather on about the Marx Brothers, but to dig the show’s estimable transatlantic co-hosts…who startled and mortified me to no end by demonstrating their familiarity with my book!

Are we a cult? It seems like a cult. Or a mysterious yet strange social club, such as the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, or the Sons of the Desert. Oh, wait, those are also cults. Join the cult by becoming a subscriber — in addition to the show itself (which is free to all), subscribers get access to special added bonus recordings, including the latest, which consists me reading a chapter of my book which is dedicated to Zeppo! (and attend my Marx Brothers, Sideshow and Coney Island talk in Marxfest next month to learn why that makes for a proper sideshow blow-off).

Anyway, thanks to the generous guys of the Marx Brothers Council Podcast for a great time — and a Marxian megaphone. Listen to Episode #68 of the Marx Brothers Council Podcast here.

For more on the Marx Brothers, please read The Marx Brothers Miscellany: A Subjective Appreciation of the World’s Greatest Comedy Team — and come see us at Marxfest, May 17-26, 2024!