Bowery and Bean-town Bound

Keith’s Boston

Readers, many apologies for not posting here as frequently over the past couple of weeks, and apologies in advance for the next couple. I’m on the road, doing what amounts to a Travalanche road show. The first half was here, and the next leg consists of the Bowery and Boston. The good news is that in preparing these talks, and seeing a bit of the these former vaudeville towns, my knowledge of vaudeville history has entered a new period of expansion, which will be poured back into this blog, and maybe new books and other projects, in short order. At any rate, here is the next round of appearances. The first (tonight) is already sold out and the first three Boston ones are private events, but the last one in Concord is free and open to the public, so if you live nearby I’d love to see you there!

Oct 11: Weber and Fields Launch Event, Grace Church School, Bowery Alliance of Neighbors

Oct 12: Commons at Lincoln (Mass.)

Oct 13: New England Magic Collectors Association

Oct 15: North Hill, Needham, Mass.

Oct 20: Concord Players Centennial Celebration, Concord, Mass.